Why do we need trees in the city? A higher number of trees in Bratislava means a higher quality of life.

They mitigate the heat in summer

The number of trees planted also affects the microclimate. In summer, trees provide shade and cool their surroundings better and more efficiently than any air conditioner, preventing asphalt and concrete surfaces from overheating. The temperature measured under the trees can be as much as 30°C cooler than in the surroundings. In the night, however, the temperature can be 3 degrees higher.

Ikona - slnko
Ikona - stromy

They create a more beautiful and pleasanter environment

They improve the environment and provide natural scenery that can calm us down and lift our spirits. At the same time, trees in the city provide a closer contact with nature and enable life such as birds, insects or mammals to come into the city.

They improve air quality

They act as a filter that binds dust, sulphur and nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and other pollutants in the air. In cities, deciduous and coniferous trees trap up to 27% and 28% of dust respectively.

Ikona - ovzdušie
Ikona - dážď

They mitigate the effects of torrential rains

Trees retain water in the surrounding area during heavy rains and prevent street flooding. They bind water in the soil with their roots. They function like a sponge, absorbing water when it rains and then slowly releasing it again.

They reduce noise levels

Trees and shrubs also act as a noise barrier. A 10 m wide line of trees reduces noise by 1-6 dB.

Ikona - plus, zdravie
Ikona - veverička

They increase biodiversity

They are the bearer of different life forms - birds, mammals, insects and others.

The number of mature trees we have planted in the city's built-up areas since 2019

  • 2019 – 238
  • 2020 – 1320
  • 2021 – 681 (plus 118pcs to be planted)

Replacement planting:

  • 2019 – 134
  • 2020 - 74
  • 2021 – 541

Greenery Planting Map

On the map you can find information about where specific types of trees are planted, or who supported this planting as part of the 10,000 trees initiative. The tree planting map is full of greenery, and not just any greenery. Each of the most planted types of trees has its own assigned color.

Join the 10 000 Trees initiative

Join the initiative and contribute to tree planting, donate a tree to a loved one, or participate in upcoming events as a volunteer.

More information about the initiative and ways to get involved ↗︎

Fotka - stromy vysadené v rámci iniciatívy 10 000 stromov