Stray Animals
The City provides for the capture of stray animals, collection of dead animals, spraying or neutering of feral cats.
The details of dog-walking are regulated by the binding regulation of Bratislava No. 6/2003.
System for reporting stray or dead animals
The City and Sloboda zvierat OZ have concluded a framework agreement for provision of a service for the continuous performance of selected veterinary sanitation activities, i.e. for the capture of stray animals, collection of dead animals and for the "Controlled Reproduction Programme for Feral Cats". The City's partner has been awarded the contract following a public tender procedure and the framework agreement is concluded for a period of 48 months.

How do you report stray or dead animals?
(other than protected species such as swan, beaver, snake and others)
Please report them to the Municipal Police of Bratislava on telephone no. 159.
After calling 159, you will report the data directly into the system (spreadsheet form), and the City Police dispatching officer will note down:
- date and time of reporting,
- the street where the animal is located,
- name and surname of the reporting party,
- telephone contact,
- type of animal, breed and number.
The city police will then send a notification by e-mail to the dispatching centre of Sloboda zvierat OZ and its representatives will arrange for the capture of the stray or dead animal. Subsequently, the exact details of the date and time of the reported performance, quarantine placement and other details such as the disposition of the stray or dead animal will be recorded.
This spreadsheet form of entry serves as a basis for invoicing for services performed by Sloboda zvierat OZ, which are defined in the contract with Bratislava.
This establishes a system of control over the activities of Sloboda zvierat OZ, so that the services as invoiced correspond to the data in the orders received from the municipal police. Bratislava, together with the boroughs, will only reimburse those services ordered by the municipal police.
How do you report a request to trap and spay/neuter feral cats?
A request for trapping and neutering/sterilisation of feral cats should be reported either in writing to the Environmental Department of the Bratislava City Hall or by e-mail to: [email protected].
The application must contain:
- number of cats,
- address of the occurrence (including the borough),
- contact details of the notifying party (mobile phone number).
Bratislava will then send the order to Sloboda zvierat OZ and, on receipt of the order, the latter will perform the ordered entrapment within 7 working days.
After the cats have been treated, dewormed and spayed/neutered, if the animals are in good health, they are released into their original environment.
This “Feral Cat Controlled Reproduction Programme”, which the City has opted for, helps to control the number of feral cats in the City while ensuring a healthy feral cat population. It should be noted that feral cats perform an important function in nature and in the city, in particular in helping to reduce the natural population of small rodents.