Sub-programme 4
Sub-programme 4 to support investments into sports infrastructure in the City of Bratislava
Deadline for submitting applications: 2 May 2023 – 21 may 2023
The expected date of the meeting of the Subsidy Commission, which will submit a proposal for the approval of subsidies to the City Council of the capital of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava, is 7 june 2023.
The expected date of the meeting of the City Council of the Slovak capital Bratislava and the approval of the amount of subsidies for individual projects is 29 june 2023.
Objectives of subsidy sub-programme 4
Support for projects implemented in public interest by means of investments into sports infrastructure, resulting in creating relaxation zones (primarily outdoor) and places for free-of-charge sports activities for citizens of the capital, including disadvantaged groups of residents.
Subsidy amount
Minimum subsidy: 20,000 euros
- the minimum amount of the subsidy proposal per applicant per financial year per approved project is €20,000
Maximum subsidy: 80,000 euros
- the maximum amount of the subsidy proposal per applicant per financial year per approved project is €80,000.
The applicant is required to ensure co-financing of at least 50% of the total eligible project costs.
Eligible applicants
- Legal entities not established by the capital
- Individuals – entrepreneurs, who have their registered office or permanent residence within the territory of the city, or who operate, carry out activities in the territory of the city, or provide services to the residents of the city.
Activities eligible for subsidy
- the construction, reconstruction and modernisation of sports grounds, sports facilities, facilities intended for public sport and leisure (exclusively of a capital expenditure nature) for a total amount of at least €40,000.
- the acquisition of a material and technical base, or its reconstruction and modernisation (acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, or their technical improvement, which meets the condition of capital expenditure) for a total amount of at least €40,000.
Non-eligible support activities: purchase of land, children's playgrounds, dog exercise areas, indoor fitness facilities, body-care facilities, equipment and technology for the maintenance or operation of sports infrastructure, water parks and amusement parks, billiards and bowling facilities, sporting goods rentals, purchase of assets under current expenditure, repairs and renovations under current expenditure, advertising and marketing activities, lighting, fencing, communications, stands, locker rooms, and restrooms that are not part of a comprehensive sports infrastructure building project.
How to apply for the subsidy
- After logging in or registering in the electronic system, the applicant selects the relevant subsidy programme (Subsidy programme: SPORT and EDUCATION - Sub-programme 4 to support investment in sports infrastructure in Bratislava, 2023 ) completes the appropriate application with all the mandatory details, attaches all the required attachments (including a scan of the signed affidavit), checks the correctness and completeness of the given data (e.g. precise name of applicant without using abbreviations, correct account number, correct contact details, etc.) and submits the application in the electronic system (an application submitted incorrectly or incompletely is liable for removal from the evaluation for the allocation of subsidies).
- The application is accepted in the electronic system only if a confirmation email confirming receipt of the application is provided to the applicant at the contact email address given in the application. If the application does not contain all the prescribed information, it will not be evaluated and will consequently be rejected.
- The printed version of the submitted application together with the affidavit is to be submitted by the applicant in the original hard copy only if the project is successful and should be delivered (together with the mandatory annexes) only on the date of signing of the contract.
- The application form must first be submitted electronically and then printed in PRINT VERSION! Do not send the application form in printed form within the deadline; it is to be delivered only in the event that the project is successful for signing the contract. The application will only be accepted if it is submitted in the electronic system not later than 21 May 2023 24:00.
- If the applicant is submitting an application for the first time, they should also submit copies of all other mandatory annexes upon signing the contract; in the event of any changes to the annexes already submitted and uploaded from previous years' applications, e.g. articles of association or statutes, bank details, appointment of statutory representatives, etc., the applicant should also submit copies confirming these changes upon signing the contract, all to the address of the Programme Manager:
Magistrát hl. mesta SR Bratislavy Oddelenie školstva, športu a mládeže Primaciálne námestie 1 814 99 Bratislava
- When communicating in writing with the department responsible for the subsidy programme, please always indicate 'DP - Podprogram 4' in the top-left corner of the envelope.
- Carefully record and retain the login details you use to log in to the electronic system for submitting applications. You will need them whenever you access the e-system, whether to submit new applications or to enter the final report and the accounts for the subsidy.
- the contribution of the project to the development of sport and sports infrastructure, the benefit and accessibility of the project for the general public, inclusive of disadvantaged groups of the population, compliance with the technical requirements for buildings used by persons with reduced mobility and orientation. (Maximum achievable number of points 40)
- state of preparedness of project, realistic budget, amount of co-financing and compliance of the defined requirements for the provider with the purpose of the subsidy programme (maximum score of 25 points),
- project sustainability and logical continuity of project activities and outputs (maximum score of 20 points), justification of project implementation and its importance for the city's residents, the community aspect and building of the associated infrastructure, level, quality and comprehensiveness of the project documentation (maximum achievable score 15 points).
Project evaluation criteria
- Contribution of the project to the development of sport and sports infrastructure, the benefit and accessibility of the project for the general public, inclusive of disadvantaged groups of the population, compliance with the technical requirements for buildings used by persons with reduced mobility and orientation. (Maximum achievable number of points 40)
- State of preparedness of project, realistic budget, amount of co-financing and compliance of the defined requirements for the provider with the purpose of the subsidy programme (maximum score of 25 points),
- Project sustainability and logical continuity of project activities and outputs (maximum score of 20 points),
- Justification of project implementation and its importance for the city's residents, the community aspect and the building of the associated infrastructure, level, quality and comprehensiveness of project documentation (maximum achievable score 15 points).
Use of Subsidy
- The recipient of the subsidy is to use the subsidy economically and efficiently, for the approved purpose and within the specified budget period.
- The subsidy may be granted for eligible support activities and eligible expenditure incurred by the applicant even prior to submission of the application but only within the eligible period, which runs from 1 January to 31 December of the financial year for which the call has been launched; however, the project itself may not be completed prior to submission of the application.
- In justified cases (submission of an application for an exemption from the time period), the subsidy may also be granted for eligible support activities and eligible expenditure incurred by the applicant for a further period calculated from 1 January to 31 December of the financial year following the submission of the application for an exemption from the time period.
- The recipient of the subsidy is to account for the subsidy in accordance with the specified conditions and within the specified time limit.
What is required in completing an application form for the subsidy?
- Articles of Association or statutes of the organisation authorised with the stamp of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or other document proving the establishment of the legal entity (proof of establishment of the legal entity - date, place and number of registration)
- documents proving the establishment of a natural person
- proof of assignment of Company ID No., VAT No. and TIN
- proof of authorisation to act on behalf of the legal entity's statutory representative (letter of appointment or other)
- proof of opening or maintenance of the applicant's bank account
- overview of supported projects from the city budget for the previous two years (name of project, amount of subsidy)
- project documentation of project design
- documents demonstrating viability of 50% of project co-financing
- building permit or proof of notification of building modifications
- documents demonstrating legal relationship to the property on which the project will be built
- documents demonstrating the conduct and outcome of the procurement or tendering procedure
- a supplementary application where the terms of the GP4 Statute so provide
- Statute of Subsidy Sub-programme 4 for the support of sports infrastructure in Bratislava
- Application form submitting manual – the electronic system
- Statutory declaration to the Sub-programme 4 application submitting
- Statutory declaration to the Sub-programme 4 amending application submitting
- Statutory declaration to subsidy invoicing
- Methodology of the Ministry of Finance of the SR in terms of economic classification of capital expenses
- Rules for settlement of authorized expenses of provided funds
+421 2 59 356 543