The Barrier-Free Communication service allows citizens with specific needs to communicate with the city in a form that is comprehensible to them.

  • (in SK)

  • (in SK)

As of September 2021, the service supports the following modes:

Online transcription of speech to text (only for Slovak)

It is available at special advice lines and first contact offices of the city and city organisations. The supported advice lines (visible on websites) and the respective workplaces are labelled by the symbol:

Online interpreting from and to Slovak sign language

It is available at selected first contact offices of the city and city organisations. The supported workplaces are labelled by the symbol:

ikona online tlmocenie
IKONA - online prepis 3

You can find the full list in Documents.

You can find the full list in Documents.

Who provides this service?

The transcription and interpretation services are provided to the city of Bratislava by the Centrum bezbariérovej komunikácie (Centre for Barrier-Free Communication) (CBK). The service is provided by transcribers and interpreters of the Slovak sign language, i.e. it is not automated transcription or interpretation.

Who is this service for?

The service can be used by:

  • citizens with hearing or speech impairment,
  • senior citizens,
  • foreigners who prefer to communicate in written Slovak.

What do I need to use this service?

In order to be able to use the advice line with online transcription, you need a computer with Internet connection and a telephone device (e.g., a phone, a smartphone or a tablet with a SIM card). You do not need anything to be able to use the online transcription or interpretation service at the contact office desk.

The service is free of charge.

How does it work?

  1. Online transcription using the helpline - During the phone call with the advice line operator, the speech is transcribed to text. The text is displayed on the screen of your device (computer, tablet, or smartphone). The app also allows you to put your questions in writing. The app does not allow the operator to call you back; if the connection is interrupted, you need to call back again.
  2. Online transcription at the contact office – During your conversation with the clerk of the contact office, the speech is transcribed to text using the app on a tablet there. The text is displayed on the screen of the tablet. You will be provided with the tablet and the transcription app upon request.
  3. Online interpretation from and to sign language at the contact office – During your conversation with the clerk of the contact office, the speech is interpreted from and to sign language using a videocall on the tablet there. You will be provided with the tablet with the interpretation app upon request.


If you need more information, feel free to contact us via email.

Useful links and related services