Financial Support for Social Services Applicants in Senior Centres Run by Private Providers

The capital of the Slovak Republic provides a financial contribution for operation of senior centres run by private providers from the budget for the relevant financial year.

(Pursuant to Act No. 448/200/ Coll. on Social Services and on amending and supplementing Act No. 445/1991 on Trade Licensing, as amended.)

This is the way of support for the centres for seniors, where social services are provided all year round in the form of residential care for applicants with permanent residency in Bratislava.

Who is the service provider?

Residential services in the centres for seniors and disabled people are provided by the public as well as private providers of social services (civic societies, non-profit organisations and religious organisations).

A list can be found in the Central Register of Social Service Providers ↗︎

Who are the services for?

All year-round residential social service is intended for applicants who have reached the retirement age and who are unable to take care of themselves, for example at home or who are not able to get assistance from family members to meet their specific needs.

What do you need to apply for the services?

Applicants - interested in provision of social care service at a selected centres for seniors run by a private provider will need:

  • Assessment and decision letter on entitlement for social care service in a centre for seniors. The assessment and decision letter are provided by the local city authority i.e., borough, where the applicant has registered permanent residence.
  • You will need to apply for the decision on entitlement in writing on an appropriate form. The form is available on the website or can be collected from the office at your local city authority.
  • Completed application form requesting the city subsidised placement in a centre for seniors provided by a private provider. The application form can be downloaded below – in the documents section.
  • If the applicant chooses to receive their social care service in a centre for seniors provided by a private provider, which they chose themselves, they will need to hand in the application and the decision letter on entitlement in person to the filing department desk at the City Hall or send by post to: Magistrát hlavného mesta SR Bratislava Sekcia sociálnych vecí Primaciálne nám. 1 814 99 Bratislava

Possible obstacles in accessing the services

Information about facilities for seniors with private providers is available on the website of that particular provider.

More information can also be found in the Register of social care services providers ↗︎, which might appear rather complex and difficult to navigate.

In many cases, social care service is provided outside of Bratislava or the Bratislava region.

Also, common problem is oversubscription of the chosen centre or long waiting times for a placement.

How much do the services cost?

The charges for social care at a centre for seniors provided by the private provider differs according to different providers. The charges are stated directly in the contract on provision of social care services.

Applicants therefore choose a facility where the charges can be covered by their situation -the rate of their pension.


If you need detailed information, you can contact the Department of Social Support for Seniors and People with Disabilities.
