Expert Committees
The Capital’s Commission for Monuments and Interventions in Public spaces
The Capital's Commission for Monuments and Interventions to the public spaces is an advisory body to the mayor for the assessment of installing, moving and uninstalling of monuments and works of art in public spaces.
The committee activities are overseen by the Mestský ústav ochrany pamiatok v Bratislave. (Municipal Monument Preservation Institute in Bratislava)
Members List:
Full members:
- Mgr. Katarína Trnovská, ArtD.
- PhDr. Ivo Štassel
- Ing. arch. Žitňanský
Alternate members:
- PhDr. Jana Hamšíková
- Mgr. art. Katarína Máčková
- Mgr. Zoja Droppová
External experts of the commission:
- Doc. Ing.arch. Pavol Pauliny, PhD.
- Ing. arch. Jakub Kopec
- Mgr. Sabina Jankovičová, ArtD
Statute of the Commission for Works in Public Space
The Commission for Works in Public Space (hereafter referred to as the Commission) is an advisory body to the Mayor of Bratislava, established for the purpose of expert assessment of the placement of works in public space, especially new installations, artistic interventions, monuments, memorials, works of art and possibly commemorative plaques.
Composition of the commission
The commission consists of:
- Regular members and their substitutes and the representative of the MČ
- External experts
Regular members and substitutes are representatives of professional organizations of the capital of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as "the capital"), as well as a representative of the affected city district.
External experts act as expert consultants and reviewers, they submit expert opinions as a basis for the committee. They can attend the meeting as observers.
Representatives of the professional departments of the Magistrate of the capital of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as the "magistrate"), who are nominated by the relevant professional department, are invited to the meetings. Representatives of professional departments of the municipality invited to the meetings are not members of the commission.
Activity of the commission
The commission works in two modes:
- Let's cut to the methodological consultation
- We will carry out expert assessment of the placement of works in public space, especially new installations of monuments, artistic interventions, monuments, works of art and possibly also commemorative plaques in the public space of the capital city.
Commission sessions
- Only regular members or their substitutes, or representatives of professional departments invited as necessary.
- Regular members of the commission, representatives of the affected city districts, and external experts and representatives of professional departments of the municipality, who submitted their opinions/assessments, are also invited to the session of the expert assessment of the placement of works in the public space.
- A session in the expert assessment mode is always preceded by a session in the methodical consultation mode.
- At the request of members of the commission or the proposer of the proposal, the proposer may be invited to the commission session in the mode of expert assessment and answer possible questions, the proposer will not participate in the subsequent discussion.
- The commission meets in the mode of expert assessment of the placement of works as needed and in the mode of methodical consultation at least 5 times a year.
Assessment of proposals and applications for placing works in public space, or their relocation and dismantling.
After receiving the documents from the commission manager, the commission members will study the materials and prepare for the commission meeting.
Assessment method: Regular members of the commission assess - evaluate submitted proposals and applications according to established criteria by assigning points.
The assessment is based on:
- The concept of dealing with monuments, memorials and commemorative plaques and works of art in the territory of the capital of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava.
- Expert opinions submitted by external experts of the commission.
- Opinions of regular members of the commission.
- The opinion of the relevant MČ.
- Opinions of professional departments of the municipality.
Manager of the commission
- The manager of the commission is the culture department of the municipality, which:
- Convenes committee meetings
- Communicates with committee members
- Prepares the program of the commission
- Prepares committee meetings
- Processes materials necessary for the commission's activities
- Coordinates and moderates committee meetings
- Processes the conclusions adopted at the commission meetings
- Coordinates the procedural side of placing works in public space (compliance with regulations and procedures of the capital city)
- Processes a draft of the capital city's opinion on the submitted proposals and requests based on the conclusions and evaluations of the members of the commission.
In Bratislava December 2021
Criteria for evaluation of submitted proposals by members of the commission
The members of the commission evaluate the proposals and the application for the placement of the work by assigning the number of points and providing a written justification of the point evaluation according to these criteria, while taking into account the opinions and judgments of external experts and professional departments of the city.
- The importance of the work from the point of view of its relevance for location in the city (the importance of a personality or event, the need or appropriateness of placing the work of art in the exterior of the capital city / in a public space - the principle of the social importance of a personality or event for the city, or for the state)
- The location is suitable (6 - 10 points)
- Placement is possible (1 - 5 points)
- The location is inappropriate (0 points)
Reasoning for point evaluation:
- Suitability of placing the work in a given location, or relocating it to a given location (Principle of preserving scale in a given space)
- The location is suitable (6 - 10 points)
- Placement is possible (1 - 5 points)
- The location is not suitable (0 points) Reasoning for point evaluation:
- Linking the work to the given location (Principle of linking a personality or event to a given location / object / street)
- The connection to the given location is suitable (6 - 10 points)
- From the point of view of the link to the given location, placement is possible (1 - 5 points)
- The placement of the point of view of attachment to the given location is not suitable (0 points) Reasoning for point evaluation:
- Compliance with other parameters of the Concept of handling monuments, memorials, commemorative plaques and works of art in the territory of the capital of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava (Principle of a dignified environment of the artifact without disturbing elements and the principle of maintaining distances from existing works)
- The submitted proposal is in accordance with the Concept (6 - 10 points)
- In terms of compliance with the Concept, implementation is possible (1 - 5 points)
- The proposal is not in accordance with the Concept (0 points) Reasoning for point evaluation:
- Artistic quality of the work, or conditions for achieving the quality of the work
- The quality of the work according to the presented visualization or the conditions of the competition corresponds to the criteria of its placement in a public space (6 - 10 points)
- Placement of the work according to the quality criteria according to the presented visualization or the conditions of the competition in a public space is possible (1 - 5 points)
- The quality of the work according to the presented visualization or the conditions of the competition does not meet the criteria for its placement in a public space (0 points) Reasoning for point evaluation:
- Sustainability of the work of art, ownership and management of the work
- The proposal has resolved ownership and management (6-10 points)
- Ownership and management is not clear in the proposal (1-5 points)
- Ownership and management is not resolved (0 points) Reasoning for point evaluation:
- Feasibility of the work of art
- The proposal has secured financing (6-10 points)
- Financing is not clear from the proposal (1-5 points)
- Financing is not secured (0 points)
Reasoning for point evaluation:
Total number of points for the evaluator (max. 70 points): ................... TOTAL for commission (max. 280 points): ......................................... .......
Minimum number of points required for a positive opinion of the commission: 196 points (70%)
Nomenclature Committee
The nomenclature committee is an advisory body of the mayor of the Capital of Slovak Republic. Decrees by the commission are respected as an expert opinion and considered in the process of naming of the public spaces in Bratislava.
Current Members List:
- Mgr. Árpád Korpás, OZ Bratislavské rožky / Pozsonyi Kifli Polgári Társulás (NGO)
- Mgr. Ján Kúkel, Bratislava City Archive
- Ing. Eva Miklušová, The Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic
- prof. Dr. Ing. arch. Henrieta Moravčíková, Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Ing. Mgr. Andrej Svorenčík, M.S., PhD., Mannheime University
- Mgr. Iveta Vančová, Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
- PhDr. Ivo Štassel, Municipal Monument Preservation Institute
- Ing. Milota Sidorová PhD., Metropolitan Institute Bratislava (MIB)
- Mgr. art. Matúš Maťátko, OZ Post Bellum (NGO)
Mgr. Katarína Lukyová Committee Secretary
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